The Convergence of HPC, AI and Cloud
The next revolution in research computing is the transformation to cloud. StackHPC develops OpenStack solutions that address gaps in cloud for research computing use cases.
The next revolution in research computing is the transformation to cloud. StackHPC develops OpenStack solutions that address gaps in cloud for research computing use cases.
StackHPC develops OpenStack capabilities for research computing use cases. Through extensive experience, we understand HPC and cloud. We know the needs and the shortcomings of each paradigm. We work with our clients to develop solutions that address the gaps in cloud for research computing use cases.
StackHPC works actively with the OpenStack community to promote the research computing use case. Our CTO is co-founder and co-chair of the OpenStack Foundation's Scientific SIG.
StackHPC visited FOSDEM - the biggest, all-over-the-place Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) developer conference in Europe, and possibly the world.
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