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Published: Tue 04 February 2025
Updated: Tue 04 February 2025
By Steve Brasier
In Workloads .
tags: slurm openstack dnf rockylinux cuda
This is a story about how changes outside our control forced us to take a big
pile of carefully-planned JIRA tickets outside and burn them. More usefully, its
also a story about what we've done to prevent that happening again ...
Background: The Slurm Appliance
Back in 2021 we blogged about our Slurm appliance
batch scheduler cluster environment. Things have moved on since then and the
feature set has expanded but the core remains the same. We use OpenTofu
(replacing Terraform used at
launch) to create virtualised or baremetal nodes, servers or instances. Then we
run Ansible against those instances to configure them with the Slurm daemons,
monitoring stack, filesystems, identity and network services etc. etc. to
provide an operational HPC environment.
At launch, the appliance used CentOS 8 - this was pre CentOS Stream. Early
on in development we added configurations for Hashicorp's Packer
to allow us to build machine images containing all the packages the appliance needed.
Both the CentOS repositories and the OpenHPC
repositories we used for Slurm and MPI packages followed a model where packages
could be updated within a minor release, and also only the latest packages
were available from mirrors after a new minor release. This created a problem
where the packages installed by Ansible would move on between Ansible runs.
Building these "fat" machine images containing the required packages fixed this
problem, giving us reproducible deployments. New nodes could be added to a
cluster or existing nodes re-provisioned without being affected by changes in
those upstream repositories. When CentOS Stream launched we followed OpenHPC in
moving to RockyLinux, but the same issues and the same approach applied.
Upsets from Upstream
Development continued and the end of 2024 was near when several problems all
arose within a few days:
Testing at a client using Lustre showed that an RDMA verbs header file was
missing from their image.
During debugging the above, we found that using the latest NVIDIA OFED version
clashed with the OpenHPC libfabric package required for MPI packages.
New NVIDIA CUDA packages were released, and our CI builds failed due to an
incompatibility with the NVIDIA drivers.
RockyLinux 9.5 was released, so packages from RockyLinux 9.4 disappeared from
Our automated testing hit an issue with the latest podman package provided
by RockyLinux 9.5.
There was no version of NVIDIA OFED (or DOCA) which worked with RockyLinux 9.5.
The last one was critical, as that meant we couldn't even build images including
OFED to begin working on the other problems.
More Passengers for the Release Train
The solution was to leverage the StackHPC Release Train .
This provides artifacts for OpenStack installations using a
StackHPC-hosted Pulp server called
ark . Our use of it here is to get snapshots of upstream package repositories - mirrors
of those repositories at particular points in time. The .repo files in the
VMs used for the Packer image builds are re-written to point to specific snapshots.
This means that now image builds are reproducible too; repeating an image build
results in the same packages in the final image. While new snapshots are regularly
created in ark , we decide when to use them by changing the snapshots which the
build VM .repo files point to. This also means that building new images
during feature development will no longer run into - and be forced to address at
the same time - issues from package updates, making development cleaner and
more predicable.
Of course, using ark for builds wasn't quite as simple as re-writing the URLs
in the .repo files. For example, some build steps installed the epel-release
package, which overwrote our custom EPEL .repo file. And some Ansible tasks
running during cluster configuration didn't cope with the fact the ark
credentials had been removed from the .repo files at the end of the image
build (as these files are user-readable).
These problems were all worked through and finally we could build RockyLinux
9.4 images again, but using packages from ark . Inevitably, almost as
soon that was working NVIDIA released OFED and DOCA versions which supported
RockyLinux 9.5 and in a sense the original reason for doing this disappeared.
However, breaking changes are guaranteed to re-occur with minor version upgrades
and we and our clients are now on a sounder footing to cope with them.
At that point we could move on and in a flurry of activity around the Christmas
break we also:
Added support for using NVIDIA DOCA rather than OFED (including rebuilding
kernel modules to match installed kernels).
Added support for using a local Pulp mirror to a) reduce egress charges from
ark and b) enable installing packages during cluster deployment, not
just during image build.
Worked around the NVIDIA driver/CUDA package incompatibility.
Made it easier to add additional site-specific dnf packages and include them
in a build.
Added support for RockyLinux 8.10 via the Release Train.
Moved support for RockyLinux 9 onto 9.5 with a fix for the podman issue.
Fixed the issues with Lustre installs and the verbs header file.
All this resulted in probably the largest release
for the Slurm appliance to-date. Development continues and a subsequent release
has not only added new functionality, but also bumped the ark snapshots - and
hence packages - forward. It does contain the groundwork for some interesting
new functionality, but that's a story for another time ...